的 护理包容性领导的关键 (KILN) program assists students to maximize their leadership potential, prepares them for the challenges of providing nursing care in our increasingly multicultural society, and nurtures their ability to create positive social change. KILN scholars receive financial 支持, 教师指导, and opportunities to network with nurse leaders as they pursue their undergraduate or graduate studies.
的 KILN program was started in 2009 with a federal Nursing Workforce Diversity grant from the Health 资源 and Services Administration. 自2012年以来, additional funding from the Price Family Foundation enables continuation and expansion of the program. Currently more than 50 KILN scholars per year participate in KILN.
“的 things I learned through KILN were life changing. I felt like I grew as a future nurse caring for her patients, and also as a person.”
的 Social Change Model was developed by the Higher Education 电子游戏正规平台 Institute (1996) of UCLA for college students who want to learn to work effectively with others to create positive social change over their lifetimes. 的 assumptions of the SCM assert that leadership is a collaborative, 面向服务的, values–based process that is about effecting change on behalf of society.
意识到价值观, 情绪, 的态度, and beliefs that motivate one to take action, 包括如何理解他人.
思考, 感觉, 行为一致, 真诚, 真实性, 对他人诚实.
表示强度和持续时间. It requires a significant involvement and investment of one’s self in the activity and its intended outcomes. It is the energy that drives the collective effort.
的 primary means of empowering others and self through trust. 协作 can occur when one has trust in the diversity of multiple talents and perspectives of the group members and the power of that diversity to generate creative solutions and actions.
在共同的目标和价值观下工作. It implies the ability to engage in collective analysis of the issues at hand and the tasks to be undertaken. It requires that all members of the group participate actively in articulating the purpose and the goals of the leadership development activity.
Recognizes two fundamental realities of any group effort: that differences in viewpoint are inevitable and valuable, and that such differences must be aired openly but with civility.
的 process whereby the self is responsibly connected to the environment and the community. It acknowledges the interdependence of all involved in the leadership effort. 公民身份 thus recognizes that effective democracy involves individual responsibility as well as individual rights.
的 主要奖项 is awarded to a senior scholar who demonstrates a tireless devotion for social justice and 支持ing others from under-represented and under-resourced backgrounds. This scholar actively participates in service and advocates for people of color.
的 辅导奖 recognizes a faculty mentor for their tireless involvement and devotion to their mentee. This faculty member exemplifies what it means to be a leader in the community, demonstrating an unwavering commitment to the professional growth and development of their mentee.
的 领导奖 is awarded to a scholar who demonstrates outstanding leadership by motivating and inspiring their peers. This scholar serves as a considerable resource, 提供指导, 支持, and direction to other students in the nursing community.
的 凯瑟琳·叶特·里德奖 is awarded to a scholar who has demonstrated tremendous growth and significant personal development. This scholar has utilized the experience and resources of KILN to develop themselves intellectually and professionally in our increasingly multicultural society.
的 包容性奖 is awarded to a scholar who openly embraces the differences of others in the community and promotes community cohesion. This scholar demonstrates sincere interest in learning and caring about those in the CSON community and beyond.
的 护理新星奖 is awarded to a sophomore who takes an active role in the nursing community and demonstrates significant potential for growth as a KILN scholar.